Pensar en Ti ~ Thinking of You
You have to understand. My mom only makes it to my house once or twice a year. So, I guess it is a little bizarre that when she finally comes I make her watch El Concierto from beginning to end. See, she is a country music lover - not new or "young country", but OLD timey country.
She watches it as my captive audience, with me continually interjecting, "look, how he holds his hand here, you can tell, he is interpreting pain. Look, at how he says "Culpable, o no", he looks so defeated & betrayed. Whew! Look how he moves when singing that fast song, Somebody stick a fork in me ‘cause I think I’m done!"
My mother is horrified as she looks at me and sternly spits out, "Sandra, you are an OLD woman. And you’re FAT. I don’t understand how you can be so crazy about this young man, who could NEVER want YOU anyway! You’re ridiculous!"
I try to explain. "Mom, you don’t understand. When I am listening to or watching Luis, I DON’T LOOK LIKE THIS!!! Somehow, when I hear him, I am young & beautiful again. He transports me to another time period when I am at my best, and I feel all the energy & excitement of that time, like I am
That is why he is so different - MOM, LUIS BREAKS THE TIME BARRIER! It is weird, I
know, but even when I am watching him perform as a child, I am suddenly 9
years old, bopping along to his music. It is like being a time traveler.
What ever age he is in what I am watching - I become that age! Whatever
he is feeling when he sings a song - I experience it, too! He is the
ultimate in virtual reality! She shakes her head.
She's missing so much. Sure, he is so good-looking, and sexy. But, if
that is ALL you see, you are missing the total picture. There is so much
more that he has to offer.
For instance, one of my greatest pleasures from
past concert footage was to see him skip across the stage. How many truly
"macho" stars would do that? They would be afraid it wasn't manly enough.


But, when our guy performs, he totally loses himself in the music and
in his fan's adoration. To see him feel free enough to share that
happiness and childlike pleasure with us is an experience within itself!
Oh, he may not skip anymore.
Everything under the sun has a time period
in our lives, but it is one of my favorite things to daydream about.
But the magical part is how it made ME feel - It made
me feel so carefree and happy just to watch him enjoying himself so
freely in his performance, it made me feel like I was skipping, too!
You see, Luis Miguel captures his audience - our hearts, our hopes,
our dreams, and he takes us with him, inside, when he is on that stage.
Everything that he does, we become part of it. It is like being part
of the "Borg" on Star Trek! He is able to capture our emotions to
the point that on some unexplained level (maybe an out of body experience!)
we are all involved in his performance as if we were right up there with him!
Oh yea, it's true, he does seduce us, too. Sorry Mom! In this world
where women are continually confronted with the ugliness of some idiot's
idea of what sexy is, here is a beautiful man, who opens his emotions and bares his soul to us. Nothing on this planet is sexier than that! Listen up men!
Written by/Por ¡Sandra/Sandy!
Uploaded October 9, 1998
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